
Showing posts from August, 2018

Story Time (8/8)

Hi everyone, Some people say that they want to know more about what's happenin'. So I'm gonna tell you today. It's gonna be the best story you've ever heard. And if it isn't, then, well...👅 On Sunday we had a lesson planned with our new person we're teaching (in case you didn't hear, with the updated Preach My Gospel we are no longer supposed to use the term "investigator", which transition is not going very smoothly) named Wilmer. He's pretty dang solid! He actually read a decent chunk of the Book of Mormon after our first lesson and feels like he should be baptized. We got a member to come, one Brother Orencole. Now nothing against Brother Orencole but there was no particular reason we chose him. The Elders Quorum president recommended him for the lesson and we were just happy to get any member at all to come with us. But he came in handy, as you'll see. We get there and nobody answers the door. Weird.

My Mission Didn't Change Me... (8/1)

[Hi guys. The following is a personal email I wrote to a friend of mine. But since writing it took up pretty much all my emailing time for the day and there's nothing too personal in it, I'm going to make it my weekly as well. I'll write about what's happenin' next week. Enjoy.] Among the most profound things I've heard said so far on my mission is what one departing elder said at a zone conference a while ago. He said  "My mission didn't change me: Christ changed me." I always thought that a mission was the magic answer to my problems. That if I could just struggle and stretch enough to grasp onto a mission, it would somehow pull me up and save me and keep me saved. Maybe you aren't thinking that a mission would change you. Maybe you think nothing can change you. But both patterns of thought are erroneous. The healing that I needed and that you need and that everybody needs is right before you. It is found in the G